Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

SuperTV 180123 FACTS

 1.    Fan asked Heechul to cut his hair.

2.    Heechul said he wants to grow his hair until shoulder-length, so he could be like a manhwa character

3.    Heechul asked Leeteuk to have a tonsure like he wrote on his SNS previously. Leeteuk said he's not confident about it

4.  Donghae's drawing of 6 SJ members. He didn't even know who's who despite his own drawing

5.    SJ said Super TV's should have these 5 skill-aspects: 
1) hosting 
2) quick-wit 
3) reaction 
4) stamina 
5) Kim Youngchul's skill (being a sandbag)

6.     Heechul's(?) drawing of hair style.
 1) tonsure 2) long hair

7.    Heechul said he didn't know which one will be aired or which one won't,but there are lots of interesting ones. He thought,they could be more free/ unrestrained if it'd be aired in internet broadcast.

8.    Leeteuk said some members can't participate due to some reason & enlistment,but they still keep in touch with each other. They also said they enjoy the show & want to participate together as well. The empty spots are still reserved for them until the time comes.

9.    Members talking about which guest(s) they wish to come to their show. Leeteuk: "(As for me) I wish Lee Sooman-seonsaengnim will come to our show... Next question please..."

10.    Eunhyuk wishes (if the show has good rating >5%) to have special event for celebrating Ryeowook's military discharge later~ (Eunhyuk is such a kind hyung)

11.    The PD wishes the show will be long lasting, so Ryeowook & Kyuhyun could join them as well, as they're discharged from the military later.

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